Two days to death

Tommy Arthur has been on death row in Alabama for nearly 25 years. In two days his long wait could end. Tommy is scheduled to be executed on Thursday night, July 31.

Critical evidence in Tommy’s case still has not be subjected to DNA testing and it’s looking less and less likely that it will. Alabama Governor Bob Riley has so far refused all requests that he order DNA testing. While Riley’s aides have said the Governor doesn’t have the authority to order such tests, that apparently isn’t true. Other state governors, including George W. Bush when he was Governor of Texas, have ordered such testing.

Across the US, 16 other people have been exonerated by DNA evidence while they were on death row.

It’s still not too late to change Riley’s mind. The Innocence Project has provided an online form you can use to send a message to Governor Riley, asking for DNA testing for Tommy Arthur:

Without these tests it’s quite possible an innocent man may die.